We're still working to set up our new website and rebuild comments and community. In the meantime, please let me know you're out there, by clicking or messaging me via the star links below!
\nThe \"7 other things\" are below; first please check out our sponsor.
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\nThis three-day event is designed to help you connect with fellow creators, learn from experts, and discover tools and strategies to grow your business. Craft + Commerce includes inspiring keynotes, workshops, meetups, live ConvertKit support, and social events. This is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable insights, network with your peers, and have a blast doing it.
\nRight now, you can take $50 off your Craft + Commerce ticket. Want to bring a friend? You’ll save even more!
\n\nThanks for reading. Photo via Creative Commons. Have a great weekend.
\n\n","recentPosts":[{"id":8451548,"title":"The only thing that accounts!","slug":"the-only-thing-that-accounts","status":"published","readingTime":5,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-17T11:05:01.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-17T11:05:01.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-17T11:05:01.000Z","timeAgo":"9 days","thumbnailUrl":"https://functions-js.convertkit.com/playbutton?play=%233197e0&accent=%23ffffff&thumbnailof=%E2%80%8Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DRjpSjznqORU%E2%80%8B&width=480&height=270&fit=c","thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/the-only-thing-that-accounts","url":"https://nl.understandably.com/posts/the-only-thing-that-accounts","isPaid":null,"introContent":"March 17, 2025 \"It's never a waste of time to correct a wrong.\" — Hillman Frazier ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out Money: Pay No Interest Until Nearly 2027 If you have outstanding credit card debt, getting a new 0% intro APR credit card could help ease the pressure while you pay down your balances. Our credit card experts identified top credit cards that are perfect for anyone looking to pay down debt and not add to it! Click through to see what all the hype is about....","campaignId":18715973,"publicationId":15273632,"metaDescription":""},{"id":8379539,"title":"I want my garden hose back","slug":"i-want-my-garden-hose-back","status":"published","readingTime":6,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-10T11:01:26.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-10T11:01:26.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-10T11:01:26.000Z","timeAgo":"16 days","thumbnailUrl":null,"thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/i-want-my-garden-hose-back","url":"https://nl.understandably.com/posts/i-want-my-garden-hose-back","isPaid":null,"introContent":"March 10, 2025 \"Suppose my neighbor’s home catches fire, and I have a length of garden hose four or five hundred feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant, I may help him to put out his fire. Now, what do I do? I don’t say to him, ‘Neighbor, my garden hose cost me $15; you have to pay me $15 for it.’ I don’t want $15. I want my garden hose back after the fire is over.\" — President Franklin Roosevelt ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out...","campaignId":18635161,"publicationId":15192275,"metaDescription":""},{"id":8306176,"title":"Jorge Mario Bergoglio","slug":"jorge-mario-bergoglio","status":"published","readingTime":4,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-03T12:06:37.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-03T12:06:37.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-03T12:06:37.000Z","timeAgo":"23 days","thumbnailUrl":null,"thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/jorge-mario-bergoglio","url":"https://nl.understandably.com/posts/jorge-mario-bergoglio","isPaid":null,"introContent":"March 3, 2025 \"The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.\" — Pope Francis ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Hey look, a chance to support the newsletter! Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out Money: Pay No Interest Until Nearly 2027 If you have outstanding credit card debt, getting a new 0% intro APR credit card could help ease the pressure while you pay down your balances. Our credit card experts identified top credit cards that are perfect for anyone looking to pay down...","campaignId":18547739,"publicationId":15104300,"metaDescription":""}],"newsletter":{"formId":4809903,"productId":null,"productUrl":null,"featuredPostId":null,"subscribersOnly":false},"isPaidSubscriber":false,"isSubscriber":false,"originUrl":"https://understandably.kit.com/posts/good-luck-chuck","creatorProfileName":"Bill Murphy Jr.","creatorProfileId":1080766}New idea today/this week! Especially with the temporary lack of comments (something I hope to start trying to figure out next week ... or at least begin the process of gathering alternatives), I decided to raise a story during the start of the week, get some replies, and write about it today incorporating your thoughts.
So, let's talk about the coronation tomorrow of King Charles III. It's only the third coronation in the last 110 years.
Tomorrow's coronation? Well, I feel for King Charles a bit on a personal level. I mean, his mom was a tough act to follow -- and beyond that, the entire concept of the monarchy has taken a massive hit, for what I think are very legitimate reasons.
Also, she was 25; he's 74. Even besides the allure of youth, we just know much, much, much more about him than we'd like (one "much" for each "I" after his name) — and certainly much much (two "I's") more than people knew about Elizabeth at the time.
But, I think it's a good idea for me to get out of the way, and focus on the decision "they" made to ask ordinary citizens in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, the Bahamas, etc—basically everywhere that has the royal family on their money—to swear an oath to the monarchy during the ceremony.
We ran a poll, and we got 107 replies. Among British and Commonwealth readers, the vote was 44-7 against. Here's what you had to say:
We had 30 Canadian replies. Four said they'd pledge loyalty to King Charles; 26 said something like, "Heck no, eh? Sorry." Sample replies:
We had 10 Australians and 2 New Zealanders. Both New Zealanders said no (quite vehemently), as did 8 of 10 Australians. Sample replies:
I've recently learned that our audience is almost 90% American, maybe 5% Canadian, 2% Australian/New Zealand, and just a small number of people in the U.K.
But in any event, 8 of 9 said, "no."
With a 90% USA audience, you wouldn't be surprised to hear that nearly half of replies were from Americans. Maybe more surprising perhaps is that two of them said they wouldn't mind swearing allegiance to the royals, if they could do so legally. But, more said things like this:
I feel as if I'm supposed to wrap this up here, with some kind of pithy observation about the monarchy. I don't have one.
I'm glad the U.S. and the U.K. have a special relationship. I'm glad I've got 50% Canadian flowing through my U.S.-born-and-bred body (wait, is that why I'm always cold at night?). I've never been to Australia or New Zealand (Bahamas, though), but I've also never met a person from those places I didn't like.
But, I don't get the allure of the monarchy—especially in 2023. I'd normally say, "but if the British and Canadians and Australians etc. like the idea ..." except that now I'm not so sure they do.
So, I'll just wish the king well as a fellow human. Good luck with the job; I sure wouldn't want it!
We're still working to set up our new website and rebuild comments and community. In the meantime, please let me know you're out there, by clicking or messaging me via the star links below!
The "7 other things" are below; first please check out our sponsor.
Sponsored by Craft + Commerce
This three-day event is designed to help you connect with fellow creators, learn from experts, and discover tools and strategies to grow your business. Craft + Commerce includes inspiring keynotes, workshops, meetups, live ConvertKit support, and social events. This is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable insights, network with your peers, and have a blast doing it.
Right now, you can take $50 off your Craft + Commerce ticket. Want to bring a friend? You’ll save even more!
Thanks for reading. Photo via Creative Commons. Have a great weekend.
Hi. I write the Understandably daily newsletter—no algorithms, no outrage, just an essential daily newsletter trusted by 175,000+ smart people who want to understand the world, one day at a time. Plus bonus ebooks (aka 'Ubooks').
March 17, 2025 "It's never a waste of time to correct a wrong." — Hillman Frazier ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out Money: Pay No Interest Until Nearly 2027 If you have outstanding credit card debt, getting a new 0% intro APR credit card could help ease the pressure while you pay down your balances. Our credit card experts identified top credit cards that are perfect for anyone looking to pay down debt and not add to it! Click through to see what all the hype is about....
March 10, 2025 "Suppose my neighbor’s home catches fire, and I have a length of garden hose four or five hundred feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant, I may help him to put out his fire. Now, what do I do? I don’t say to him, ‘Neighbor, my garden hose cost me $15; you have to pay me $15 for it.’ I don’t want $15. I want my garden hose back after the fire is over." — President Franklin Roosevelt ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out...
March 3, 2025 "The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness." — Pope Francis ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Hey look, a chance to support the newsletter! Sponsored by: FinanceBuzz Stop Throwing Out Money: Pay No Interest Until Nearly 2027 If you have outstanding credit card debt, getting a new 0% intro APR credit card could help ease the pressure while you pay down your balances. Our credit card experts identified top credit cards that are perfect for anyone looking to pay down...